World Hijab Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

Hijab is a special dress for Muslim women.  At the same time, it is also a symbol of Islamic culture and civilization.  This dress has a special identity in the Muslim world as a means of protecting one’s honor and dignity by religious precepts.  Despite the spread of secularism, the number of women wearing hijabs around the world is increasing day by day.  Hijab is widely supported and attracted by women as it is known as a tasteful yet elegant and modest dress.

Hijab is a great accessory in a woman’s life.  Hijab made women respectable and dignified.  Through this, Islam has uplifted the status of women and made the normal functioning of society elegant and sophisticated. ‘Hijab Day’ is celebrated worldwide on 1st February.  This day is celebrated in more than 190 countries of the world.

History Of World Hijab Day

‘World Hijab Day’ was observed from February 1, 2013.  Since then, thousands of Muslim and non-Muslim women observe the day wearing hijab.  Many may not know much about World Hijab Day.

The idea of ​​celebrating ‘World Hijab Day’ first came to the mind of a woman named Najma Khan, a resident of New York.  Although Nazma Khan was born in Bangladesh, she has been living permanently in New York since the age of 11.

Many see the hijab as a symbol of oppression and division of women.  Nazma Khan called for World Hijab Day to deal with various controversies.  She attracted the attention of many non-Muslims and Muslim women who do not normally wear the hijab.

Meanwhile, Najma said that when she used to go to school wearing a hijab, she had to suffer a lot of insults and insults. She was called Batman and Ninja when he was in middle school.  And after the attack on the Twin Towers in America, she was called Osama Bin Laden and a terrorist.

Najma also said, ‘Only I used to wear hijab in school.  For this, she had to suffer various discriminations.  So I thought, if non-Muslim women wear hijab even for just one day, then Muslim women will no longer have to suffer such discrimination.

 Through social networks like Facebook and Twitter, the spirit of this day spread to different countries of the world like England, Australia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, France, and Germany.  In continuation of this, World Hijab Day is being celebrated in 140 countries.

Why do people celebrate World Hijab Day

The significance and importance of the screen are now multi-linearly proven.  Protection of women is ensured through hijab and veil.  Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur’an, “O Prophet (PBUH)!  Tell your wives, your daughters, and the believing women, that they should lower a part of their cloak over themselves (faces).  (Surah Ahzab, verse 59)

According to Tafsir Qurtubi, in the above verse, to throw down on the face means to cover it with a large sheet, which can cover the face and the whole body.  And this purpose is well fulfilled through the burka.

Hijab is worn by Muslim women as a means of protecting their honor and dignity by religious precepts, but it is now becoming popular among women of all religions.  Especially in the last two years of Corona, there has been a great change in the world’s attitude towards hijab and veil.

A few days ago, the New York Times published a report on women’s fashion by Alia Khan, head of the Islamic Fashion and Design Council.  According to the report, to build a decent and chaste life, Muslims are usually brought up with modesty and elegance from childhood.  Covering the face to protect against corona has become a normal behavior.  I understand that Islamic fashion speaks for itself and encourages such attire, which keeps the face free from direct and indirect filth.

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How to celebrate World Hijab Day

The main ceremony of World Hijab Day is usually held on the balcony of City Hall in New York.  Women from Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar, and Iran decided to work to spread the spirit of Hijab Day among followers of different religions.

Hijab is a great accessory in a woman’s life.  Hijab makes women respectable and dignified.  Through hijab, Islam upholds the dignity of women.  The normal working flow of society takes the form of elegance and sophistication. The Muslim Women’s Society and the Muslim Association of Britain organized an event called the Assembly for the Protection of the Hijab.  It was held on 17 January 2004.

It was led by Allama Yusuf Al-Karzabi.  Various programs are held in support of this event in Bangladesh.  Besides, there is a lot of interest in observing the day in various Muslim and non-Muslim countries.

Moreover, there are many types of women in the world who do not know how to wear hijab, so various programs are organized to teach them how to wear hijab, and social influencers encourage them to wear hijab more.

World Hijab Day Quotes

Hijab is a fard or mandatory subject of Islamic Shari’ah.  There is infinite good in this if women can understand it.  In today’s society, it can be seen that women wearing hijabs are fewer victims of sexual harassment or torture. Here are some Quotes about World Hijab Day –

A Women’s Best Jewellery is her Shyness – Hazrat Fatima Bint-e-Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him”

Have always thought that if women’s hair posed so many problems, God would certainly have made us bald.

– Marjane Satrapi

There is a face beneath this mask, but it isn’t me. I’m no more that face than I am the muscles beneath it, or the bones beneath that.

– Steve Moore

Many sisters complain that people don’t want to marry them unless they stop wearing hijabs. No man is worth your hijab, and a real man wouldn’t request you to take it off in the first place.

– Omar Suleiman

The sun doesn’t lose its beauty when covered by clouds. In the same way, your beauty doesn’t fade when being covered by Hijab.

-Angelina Jolie

World Hijab Day Wishes

Hijab is an Arabic word.  Its Bengali equivalent is covered.  And in terms of Shariah, hijab is to hide women’s appearance and beauty from Mahram and avoid free association with them.  Naturally, to prevent obscenity and adultery, the Shariah orders women to observe the statutory rules to hide their beauty and beauty from strangers and other mahrams. Below are some World Hijab Day wishes-

Come forward and try the hijab this early February.  Happy World Hijab Day!

  Hijab does not terrorize women and does not belittle women.  Happy World Hijab Day!

  This is a very good movement, Happy Hijab Day !!!!!

 I think every woman should wear a hijab to promote brotherhood among our Muslim sisters.  Happy World Hijab Day.

World Hijab Day Messages

Violence against women is an ugly aspect of our society.  In the name of progressivism, violence against women is increasing due to extravagant living and debauchery.  Veiled living and hijab can save women from violence.  Not expensive-looking clothes; the Modest dress veil or hijab is the beauty of women.  Women wearing hijab are Islam and Muslim culture. 

To maintain modesty in the behavior of men and women in society, the provision of a veil was introduced.  The observance of ‘World Hijab Day’ is very significant to encourage Muslim women to wear hijab worldwide. Here are some World Hijab Day Messages-

  A woman should be respected and loved no matter what she wears.  Happy World Hijab Day!

  A Hijab is the pride of a Muslim woman, Happy Hijab Day!!!

 No one should be tested or harassed because of hijab.  Happy World Hijab Day!

World Hijab Day Statutes

In particular, hijab refers to refraining from freely associating with prohibited men. And it refers to someone who is completely covered so as not to allow the eyes of the men to perceive the structure of a woman’s body. Here are some statutes about World Hijab Day –

 No garment must invite judgment for its owner.  Happy Hijab Day!!!

 There is no hijab that a Muslim woman wears to show her devotion to her religion.  Happy World Hijab Day!

FAQ about World Hijab Day

What is the date of World Hijab Day?

1st February. Source-Wikipedia

What is the significance of World Hijab Day?

The significance and importance of the screen are now multi-linearly proven.  Protection of women is ensured through hijab and veil

Hijab is a woman’s attire.  The name hijab is to cover the sensitive parts of the body including the face, chest, and back with a large veil or sheet.  However, many people think that wearing a burqa may be the observance of hijab, but today’s fashionable burqas reveal the structure and beauty of the body, that is, a lot of tight-fitting burqas.

 But the main purpose of hijab is to keep one’s body safe from other people’s eyes and mentally to avoid physical gestures and sexual relations with non-Mahram men.  So hijab refers to the preparation of the mind as well as clothing.   Thanks for being with us.

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