World Philosophy Day 2023 Wishes, Quotes, Messages

World Philosophy Day is celebrated every year in November, intending to improve people’s thinking and establish world peace. World Philosophy Day is mainly celebrated on the third Thursday of November each year. So, this year, we will celebrate World Philosophy Day on November 18, 2022. The world today is passing through a complex problem. As a way to get rid of this problem, UNESCO announced World Philosophy Day. Humans have advanced technology with their keen intellect. A manned rover has arrived on Mars.

But it is also true that, with the pace at which science and technology are progressing, the humanity and moral consciousness of people have not progressed. Rather, it has deteriorated. The quarrels and fights in society are constantly increasing. As the days go by, chaos is increasing in society. People’s humanity and morality are disappearing day by day, which is harmful to our society.

The goodwill of the people of the state and society can bring a country to the pinnacle of development and establish peace. So the whole world should discover that goodwill today.

History of World Philosophy Day

In response, UNESCO said that the unprecedented development and progress of science and technology have not reduced the instability, turmoil, terrorism, injustice, violence, immorality, and insecurity in the present world at all. Therefore, education and the practice of philosophy can free people from these issues.

Because the principles of philosophy, morality, humanity, aesthetics, rationality, and mindfulness can give humanity the tools to search for the desired goal in various crises and problems in the current world, And, for the first time, the United Nations UNESCO designated November 21, 2002, as the International Day of Philosophy. The then Director-General of UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura, sent a message to the world that highlighted the importance and significance of philosophy.

He mentions human rights, justice, and democracy as the basis of the social system and says that discussing various contemporary global problems such as poverty, world peace, human rights, cultural rights, women’s rights, moral control of science and technology, and solving these problems by entering deep into the analysis of philosophers.  It is UNESCO’s job to present the analysis to the world. Since 2005, World Philosophy Day has been celebrated worldwide.

In 2007, UNESCO published the 726-page Program and Records of the General Conference, the 33rd Session, and the 2005 meeting in Paris.  The program was multilingual.  It was the Declaration of World Philosophy and the launch of World Philosophy Day 2005. Observing the importance and significance of World Philosophy Day in the young society as well as the people of the world, the decision was taken at the 2005 UNESCO General Conference to celebrate the third Thursday of November as World Philosophy Day.  Since then, World Philosophy Day is celebrated every year on the third Thursday of November at the invitation of UNESCO.

Why we should celebrate World Philosophy Day

The whole world is now unstable due for various reasons.  People are restless on issues such as coronavirus, war, economic uncertainty, vaccines, caste discrimination, economic inequality, freedom of speech, etc.  There is no quick way to get rid of these problems.  But philosophy can help us in how to reduce and deal with problems.  Philosophy can also teach us how to live a steady life in this unstable world.

 Philosophy can find ways to free Bangladesh from the grip of corruption.  Philosophy can help us find the humanity affected by the coronavirus.  Just as philosophy advocates the preservation of free speech, it also guides the responsible exercise of free speech.  Philosophy helps in understanding the essence of religion and stands against religious fanaticism.

So, just as philosophy is concerned with things that destabilize the world, philosophy can also play a role in stabilizing these instabilities.  By using that role during this pandemic crisis, we can move towards establishing a beautiful-tolerant-peaceful world. So, we should celebrate World Philosophy Day every year to bring peace to our society.

Why Philosophy is important for Society?

According to UNESCO, “Philosophy is an inspiring discipline as well as a daily practice that can transform society. Philosophy stimulates intercultural dialogue by enabling the world to discover the diversity of intellectual thought. Philosophy awakens the mind to reasoned opposition of opinion and the practice of thinking to be more tolerant, more helping build a respectful society.”

 In my view, the aim of celebrating World Philosophy Day is to encourage cultural diversity, to increase our critical thinking about our untested assumptions and unverified opinions, and to give greater importance to peace in the world by developing the human understanding of others.  Philosophy is not just an academic discipline for those who study philosophy – everyone has a philosophy, everyone has a philosophy.  Everyone has a unique way of life or philosophy, everyone has a basic principle.

How to celebrate World Philosophy Day

We are all shaken by the pandemic today – COVID-19 threatens our health, education, economy, and environment.  But we are intelligent people.  Philosophy encourages freedom of thought and speech.  However, freedom of thought and expression does not mean making unconvincing, irresponsible comments or giving speculative opinions about any individual or community.

  One who loves philosophy is a person who is aware of the wider world around him and who respects and values ​​diversity.  Practicing philosophy means thinking rationally about what we see, hear and say and ensuring that we take full responsibility for our actions to bring about positive change in society. We all should celebrate World Philosophy Day to make people aware of how-to bring peace to our society with our philosophy.

Here, I’m telling you the way to celebrate World Philosophy Day

Join on event

Every year on this day UNESCO and various organizations organize various events to celebrate the day.  Students and teachers of schools, colleges, and universities participated there.  And get ideas from the philosophers and scientists present on how you can improve society through your philosophy.

Read Books

There are numerous books on philosophy.  Where you can gain detailed knowledge about philosophy.  You can spend the day very nicely by reading books.

Watch Movie

You can also celebrate World Philosophy Day at home by watching various movies and series on philosophy. Where you can know various things you can gather knowledge about philosophy. Here I suggest you some movies on philosophy Minority Report, A Clockwork Orange, Fight Club, Inception, The Shawshank Redemption, Blade Runner, and The Matrix.

Organize seminar

In School College university teachers can organize a seminar where students are informed about philosophy and how important philosophy is to our life and society and help them by answering all their questions.

World Philosophy Day Quotes

The prerequisite for peace is true knowledge.  After gaining that knowledge a person is behaviorally restrained.  If this knowledge is in every human being, then the world society will be free from chaos and riots. Just as Hitler started World War II because of being a radical nationalist, philosophers RM Hare and Bertrand Russell thought positively to save mankind from war-torn conditions and promoted the idea of ​​a world government to liberate mankind.

  That is why they are still popular worldwide. People have to be truthful and have to prove it in deeds.  Then he will be virtuous and wise. Throughout the ages, various philosophers and wise men have given doctrines about philosophy.  They have told us how much philosophy is involved in our life and society. Here are some famous quotes from them.

  1. “The wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” –Socrates.
  • “The philosophy of the school room in the generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” –Abraham Lincoln.
  • “Freedom can only be achieved through the freedom of others.” –Simone de Beauvoir.
  • “All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.” –Kabir.
  • “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” –Aristotle.
  • “There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, this is suicide.” –Albert Camus.
  • “Science is what you knew, Philosophy is what you don’t know.” –Bertrand Russell.
  • “There is always only one day left, always starting over, it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.” –Jean-Paul Sartre.
  • “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation”. –Plato.
  1. “Wonder is the feeling of the philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder”. –Plato.
  1. ”Happiness lies in virtuous activity, and perfect happiness lies in the best activity, which is contemplative”. –Aristotle.

World Philosophy Day Messages

According to Pythagoras, the passion for knowledge, and unwavering devotion to the search for truth, is the main goal of philosophy.  Philosophy through the practice of truth, justice, and beauty. Awakening free intellect and moral consciousness guide the world, leading from darkness to light. Philosophers are only intellectuals, possessing uncompromising thoughts and open-mindedness.  The philosopher will be the guide of knowledge, truth, and light.  By philosopher in the broadest sense we mean not only a scholar of traditional wisdom in a particular discipline. Our society is deteriorating day by day.

 Because people are losing their morality and humanity.  Being violent towards each other.  Due to this, the damage to society is increasing.  If we do not change our social system now, the next generation will suffer a great loss.

We should observe World Philosophy Day to awaken the morality of humanity.  And people should be made aware of how philosophy is related to our lives.  And World Philosophy Day must be observed to inspire people to acquire this philosophy.  We can celebrate World Philosophy Day with family and friends by sending some messages to encourage them to celebrate the day. Send a reminder message in World Philosophy Day.

  1. Philosophy teaches us the meaning of life.  Tells us the right way to live. Happy World Philosophy Day.
  • Science convinces us with logic but philosophy proves us with the truth. Happy World Philosophy Day.
  • Never be disappointed in life.  Use your philosophy and follow the path of truth.  Success will catch you. Happy World Philosophy Day.
  • Every man has his philosophy.  Philosophy can lead from darkness to light. Happy World Philosophy Day.
  • The prerequisite for peace is true knowledge.  And only philosophy will guide you to the truth.  And will make society peaceful. Happy World Philosophy Day.

Happy World Philosophy Day Wishes

The purpose of celebrating World Philosophy Day is to highlight the value of philosophy and promote human thought.  Philosophy is the nature of reality and existence.  Children’s thinking today is very different from human thinking.  So there is a need to encourage such children to keep this in mind.  So that he can share his opinion with other people and express his opinion on all matters.

The role and outstanding contribution of philosophy in the development of modern civilization are undeniable.  Philosophy makes the thinking power of man sharper, and analytical and opens up opportunities for self-knowledge and discovery.

The human values ​​that are developed through the practice of philosophy play a positive role in building a rational society and state along with the protection of the individual society and the state from degradation and bad culture. So, we should observe World Philosophy Day every year.

  1. In the new world system changed by the practical application of philosophy, civilization will advance against all odds, opening up new horizons for humanity.  Wishes you Happy World Philosophy Day.
  • Philosophy will play the role of our beacon in the development of free and independent thinking throughout the ages. Celebrate Happy World Philosophy Day.
  • A fundamental reason for studying philosophy is to acquire a greater wealth of language for the ideas important to each thought. Wishes you Happy World Philosophy Day.
  • Philosophy like the philosophy of science is based on any scientific progress. Science began to see this discipline as a branch that is at the root of all that exists, not in a separate but distinct way. World Philosophy Day.

World Philosophy Day Status

Philosophy is not just an institutional discipline. Rather, seemingly every person in human civilization is considered a ‘philosopher’ in one way or another.  Because, nowadays almost everyone is busy with his world, life, and philosophy.

Every nation grows in its way of thinking, whether institutional or non-institutional.  People learn almost constantly from family, society, and state, and practice that learning in the subconscious mind. On this World Philosophy Day post, something good in your social accounts makes people encourage to follow their philosophy.

  1. The value of people, the use of resources, the complexity of human relations, the excellence of technology, public health, economic crises, and the diversity of nature – these things have added newness to our world of thought and curiosity.  And wherever there is human curiosity, philosophy is born.  So we notice a close relationship between philosophies with these ideas of today. World Philosophy Day.
  • From Socrates or Plato, the famous philosopher of ancient Greece, to the most recent philosophers and thinkers, they have tried to make it meaningful by applying philosophical or moral theories in the important areas of human life.  In that continuity, there is an urge to analyze the philosophical explanation of the natural or humanitarian crises that have arisen or are likely to arise in the current pandemic situation. Celebrate World Philosophy Day.
  • There are two very important faculties from the human point of view.  Thoughts and desires.  However, philosophy helps you educate your mind to the level of critical reflection on reality.  That is, philosophy helps you to understand the meaning of things by going beyond the established certainties. World Philosophy Day.
  • Philosophers have left a unique contribution to establishing peace, harmony, and human values ​​in the world.  They were always vocal against lethal warfare.  By following their way of life one should develop into a truly wise man. World Philosophy Day.

Some Interesting Facts about World Philosophy Day

What is the theme of World Philosophy Day?

“The Human of the future” is the theme of World Philosophy Day in 2022.

Why do we celebrate World Philosophy Day?

To develop human thought and to know the value of philosophy in our life.

Who is the first philosopher in the world?

According to Wikipedia, Thales was the first philosopher in the world.

The world has progressed with unprecedented achievements in science and technology.  However, unrest, instability, injustice, terrorism, violence, immorality, and insecurity have not decreased at all.  Education and practice of philosophy can free people from these.

Because the sense of life, ethics, humanity, aesthetics, rationality, and mindfulness of philosophy can free the world from various crises and problems and give mankind the search for the desired goal.  Therefore, no matter what profession we are in our personal life, it has become essential to practice positive philosophy.  Because positive philosophy can show us the way to the truth!  A peaceful society will be created by the hands of positive philosophers!  Let’s move forward in this way, let the next generation be successful on World Philosophy Day.

This is all about World Philosophy Day. Thanks for visiting the National Day List.