Joseph Brackett Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

Joseph Brackett Day commemorates Joseph Brackett’s birthday and also honors his song “Simple Gifts”.  It is sponsored by the American Tune Lovers Society, an online group “designed to help preserve and protect American tunes from the past through research, recordings, and other information.”  Pine Tree Productions, of which the American Tune Lovers Society is a … Read more

National Fitness Day 2023 History, Message Wish, Quotes and Status

The first Saturday in May is National Fitness Day. In the United States, this inspirational day is set to celebrate the power of physical fitness to change lives.  National Fitness Day gives each of us a voice to share how fitness empowers us. Throughout the day, attend community events and get moving.  Create a good … Read more

National Brother’s Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

The relationship between brother and sister, or brother and brother, is unique, and unconditional bonding is difficult to define. It’s a beautiful love-hate relationship between the siblings. If one does not have a brother, there must be someone who usually treats them like a brother. They hold an important place in our lives. We share … Read more

Anti-Bullying Day 2023 History, Importance, Quotes and Status

Every year on May 4th, Anti-Bullying Day is observed around the world. Anti-Bullying Day raises awareness among people about how harmful bullying is and taking effective measures to prevent bullying. According to the National Bullying Prevention Center, “While some bullying can be detected physically, it can sometimes be silent or psychological. Such as harming the … Read more

International Museum Day 2023 History, Significance, Quotes and Status

International Museum Day highlights the importance of museums to create research opportunities for students, teachers, researchers, scholars, and global citizens to learn about museums and their heritage. The day has been celebrated worldwide since 1977 at the call of the International Council of Museums. ICOM was established in 1946. It currently has 28,000 museums from … Read more

Brothers and Sisters Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes, and Status

Celebrating Brothers and Sisters Day along with Father’s Day and Mother’s Day has become a festival today. People from all countries including the USA, UK, Canada, and India express respect and love towards their brothers and sisters by celebrating Brothers and Sisters Day in a joyful atmosphere on this day Brothers and Sisters Day is … Read more

Happy Mexico Mother’s Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes, Status

Mother’s Day is a commemorative event that honors mothers and celebrates motherhood, maternal debt, and the influence of mothers on society in Mexico. Mother’s Day is celebrated every year in May in Mexico, this year is the 10th of May  Mexico Mother’s Day. Mother is the most respected person in this world. Although the word … Read more